They’ve said about Europubhealth+…

“Fantastic experience. Lots of opportunities to work with people with substantial experience and to work at international organizations. The diversity of the cohorts is an added value that enriches this experience.”

“Great education, especially EHESP Epi/biostats track is excellent, extremely research oriented and prepares you extremely well for a PhD or future job in research. It teaches you lots of hard-skills that are highly sought after in the job market (statistics, coding).”

“It helps acquire great knowledge and skills, meet amazing people from different countries, and it can lead to fantastic career opportunities.”

“I had a wonderful professional and personal experience. Thanks to this program I was able to pursue a PhD in France. It was also where I met some of my closest friends now.”

“It was so enriching to meet others from all around the world and build networks with them.”

“It is an amazing opportunity to network and work with interdisciplinary and multi-cultural group of colleagues across the world.”

“It is a great opportunity to develop yourself personally and professionally.”

“The EPH program has widened my horizons. It actually changed my whole professional and personal life. Before the programme, I was working as a public health nutritionist and now I’m working as a researcher interested in research methods so the programme helped me broadening the topics and methods I can work on. I’m also still working in Europe which I didn’t plan before. It opened many doors in terms of countries where I can work. I have friends and a network in Europe and this is a direct impact of the EPH programme as well.”

“I think Europubhealth is a very good path to get the training to be a good public health worker if you want to work at an international level. What I really liked about EPH is that you get used to work with people from completely different backgrounds, completely different cultural backgrounds. It teaches us how to work together and to take these differences into consideration. For my professional career it has been a huge asset, I have been working for the national government in France for the epidemic intelligence, Action Against Hunger a few times. I am working for a program that is financed by the Ministry of Health. I am very happy because thanks to my degree I now can work at a European level.”

“Europubhealth was a fantastic experience on my life. It offered me a nice multicultural environment, and overall, it gave me helpful tools to strengthen my career path.”

“Europubhealth course brought me the skills and confidence to be an effective public health worker. The international exposure from the participating institutes and the attending students provided me an insight of how things work in different environments.”

“Europubhealth brought the world to me in one classroom, having students and professors from all over the world was an opportunity to learn from others, especially through their own experiences in the field. The diversity of the program also brought students from different academic and career backgrounds, which really made the program unique. I also treasured the opportunity to learn in different Universities, it brought better understanding on different approaches in addressing public health problems.”

“Europubhealth has been an excellent experience for me. Through these two years of master I developed skills in prioritizing programs tackling health issues, also exploring its inequalities in society.”

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