High quality Teaching Staff

Europubhealth+ teaching staff includes university lecturers as well as professionals who are active in the public health sector. They are doctors, nurses, managers of care establishments but also politicians, health engineers, health inspectors, pharmacists, administrators, manufacturers, etc.

All teaching staff has developed a solid basis of national and international expertise that enables the development of professional networks and contributes to a better adaptation of course content to field realities.

In parallel with their research activities, permanent university staff are in a position to welcome, counsel and advise students. Some of them, in particular thesis supervisors, play an important monitoring or counselling role towards Europubhealth+ students. They are supported by Europubhealth+ project team in each institution, in order to ensure global coordination and consistency of students’ course.

Directors and Coordinators

Ariane Bauernfeind

Ariane Bauernfeind

Academic coordinator of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health"
Timo Clemens

Timo Clemens

Director of the specialisation "Leadership in European Public Health"
Melanie Bertin

Melanie Bertin

Academic coordinator of the EPH+ Integration Modules
Mary Codd

Mary Codd

Academic coordinator of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health"
Katarzyna Czabanowska

Katarzyna Czabanowska

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in “Leadership in European Public Health”
Judith Mueller

Judith Mueller

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in "Advanced Biostatistics and Epidemiology"
Christoph Sowada

Christoph Sowada

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in "Governance of Health Systems in transition"
Carmen Perez Romero

Carmen Perez Romero

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in "Health Services Management"
Sarah Barnes

Sarah Barnes

Academic coordinator of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health"
Olivier Grimaud

Olivier Grimaud

Europubhealth+ Consortium Academic Coordinator
Marie-Renée Guevel

Marie-Renée Guevel

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in "Health Promotion and Prevention"
Ianis Delpla

Ianis Delpla

Academic coordinator of the EPH+ Integration Modules
Inge Kernbergen

Inge Kernbergen

Academic coordinator of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health"
Manuel Correa

Manuel Correa

Director of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health" and the specialisation in "Health Services Management"
Aurore Gely-Pernot

Aurore Gely-Pernot

Academic coordinator of the specialisation in "Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences"

Anne-Françoise Donneau

Anne-Françoise Donneau

Academic coordinator of the first year foundation course "Core competences in Public Health"